Food, Festival and Religion: Materiality and Place in Italy, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, Aug. 2018; paperback edition, Feb. 2020. Reviews and listing available now in the Bloomsbury Academic on-line catalogue: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/food-festival-and-religion-9781350020863/
"Contemplative Ethnography: Mindful Explorations into Materiality and New Animism", Wisdom Now, Journal of The Department of Wisdom Traditions, Naropa University, Fall 2017
"Bellisama and Aradia: Paganism Re-emerges in Italy", in Modern Pagan and Native Faith, Movements in Europe: Colonial and Nationalist Impulses, Rountree, K., Berghahn Publishers, May 2015
"Heterotopia, Community and Sense of Place: Performing Land and Folding Time in the Badalisc Festival of Northern Italy", Folklore, Vol. 124. Issue 1. April 2013
"The Goddess Returns to Italy: Paganism and Wicca reborn as a new religious and social movement", The Pomegranate - The International Journal of Pagan Studies, Vol. 10.1. 2008
Those above are my most recent academic publishings.
Two examples of my popular press publications are:
Making Magic with Gaia: Practices to Heal Ourselves and Our World, Red Wheel/Weiser, 2002. (Its Italian edition became a best seller on the Italian "mind-body-spirit" lists in 2008.)
"With Rituals Large and Small, We Heal, We Re-member", in Ritual and Healing: Stories of Ordinary and Extraordinary Transformation, edited by Don Eulert, PhD, Motivational Publishing, 2013.